Bookmarks for December 1st
When I’m not blogging, I’m browsing. Here are sites and pages that I bookmarked on December 1st:
- Jupiter’s ‘disappearing’ stripe returning: Telescopes in Hawaii including NASA’s Infrared Telescope Facility and instruments at the W.M. Keck Observatory and the Gemini Observatory suggest the vanished dark stripe is making a comeback.
- Starry starry starry night: Star count may triple: Using the Keck telescope in Hawaii, van Dokkum and a colleague gazed into eight other distant, but elliptical, galaxies and looked at their hard-to-differentiate light signatures. The scientists calculated that elliptical galaxies have more of those dwarf stars. A lot more.
- Study portends greater anticipated global warming: “It’s unfortunate that the global models’ greatest weakness may be in the one aspect that is most critical for predicting the magnitude of global warming.â€
- Archaeological database now online: The HAS database currently contains over 12,800 archaeological sites. It is an ongoing project with additional research being added on a continuing basis.
- Environmentalists and businesses clash over shrimp farm effluent on Kauai: Surfers complained that the effluent may attract sharks, or at the least was unpleasant — particularly at a popular surf break near Kekaha Beach Park known as Kinikinis.
- Forest Service, Universities Team Up to Develop New Ecosystems for Hawaiian forests: The proliferation of invasive plant species in lowland tropical forests in Hawaii have become so pervasive that it is neither cost-effective nor practical to eradicate all non-native species.
- HECO “green” power plant to cut outage time: Hawaiian Electric showed off the first power plant in Hawaii that runs on 100 percent biodiesel, a liquid oil that burns much cleaner than petroleum, which is used at other power plants.
Check out all my bookmarks on Delicious.