Bookmarks for October 20th
When I’m not blogging, I’m browsing. Here are sites and pages that I bookmarked on October 20th:
- CityCamp Honolulu: CityCamp Honolulu (CCHNL) is an unconference focused on innovation for municipal governments and community organizations. It is a collaborative effort to re-imagine the way the web, applications, technology and participation will shape the future of Honolulu.
- Hawaii PUC Approves Contract for 5-MW Solar Farm in Kalaeloa: The Hawaii Public Utilities Commission (PUC) has approved a contract for SunPower to sell energy to Hawaiian Electric Company from a 5-megawatt (MW) solar photovoltaic (PV) farm planned for Kalaeloa in West Oahu.
- Hawaii woman files lawsuit against Facebook: When you log onto a social media website like Facebook you probably know that your viewing habits may be monitored. But when they close out their Facebook page they don’t expect that Facebook is going to follow them and gather their information.
- Russian ship finds tsunami debris where UH MÄnoa scientists predicted: With the exact locations of some of the by now widely scattered debris, scientists can make more accurate projections about when the debris might arrive. The first landfall on Midway Islands is anticipated this winter.
- Sopogy Launches Next Generation of Concentrating Solar Thermal Collector: SopoHelios collectors are scheduled for installation in Kalaeloa Solar One, a five megawatt power plant 15 miles from urban Honolulu.
- University of Hawaii Cancer Center receives $4.3 million: An influx of new funding to the University of Hawaiʻi Cancer Center from the National Cancer Institute will support exploration into promising areas of cancer research.
- Light Rail Transit on Oahu: Real Estate Investment Opportunity or Urban Blight?: Real estate experts have long known that public transit increases the development potential of real estate near transit lines, thereby increasing property values. The National Association of Realtors reports this “transit premium†can range from as little as a few percent increase to more than 150 percent.
- Hawaiian Electric issues draft RFP for at least 200 megawatts of renewable energy projects: For off-Oahu renewable energy to be delivered to the Oahu grid, Hawaiian Electric is also seeking proposals for an inter-island transmission cable system, interconnection facilities and other power transmission infrastructure.
- Mark Glick Appointed Energy Administrator of DBEDT’s State Energy Office [PDF]: Glick was appointed to the post after managing DBEDT’s $9.5 million Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant and advising the Hawaii Economic Development Task Force created by the Food and Energy Security Act.
Check out all my bookmarks on Delicious.