Bookmarks for October 28th
When I’m not blogging, I’m browsing. Here are sites and pages that I bookmarked on October 28th:
- Tenants Claim Landlord Used Them In Experiments: Dozens of Kalihi tenants who escaped the collapse of their make-shift apartment building Sunday night said they were human guinea pigs for their landlord’s medical experiments.
- Disney’s first Hawaii resort aims for 2011 opening: It may be the world’s first resort to incorporate a working taro loi, water slides erupting from a faux volcano, and Disney characters doing the backstroke in its pool.
- MTV smacks YouTube, posts almost every music video ever: MTV and its sibling MTV2 are hardly channels anyone would watch in order to get a music video fix. MTV is looking to redeem itself with MTV Music that offers an entire back catalogue of videos that go all the way to when music videos were born.
- Studios Are Pushing Box Office Winners as Oscar Contenders: After years of giving plenty of running room to independent film companies or studio art house divisions that set the pace with critic-friendly but limited-audience films like last year’s “No Country for Old Men” and “There Will Be Blood,” this year the major studios are pushing some of their biggest crowd-pleasers into the thick of the awards race.
- From ‘Rocky Road, please’ to ‘Whirl of Change’: Barack Obama's first job was at the the Baskin-Robbins franchise on South King Street, just down the street from Punahou School.
Check out all my bookmarks on Delicious.