Monthly Archive: February 2005



I love Ask MetaFilter. As a “best of the web” community weblog, Metafilter can be hit-or-miss. But the “Ask MeFi” feature is turning out to be among the most reliably educational and entertaining corners...



Why subject yourself to hours of mindless drek on the tube, only catching a glimmer of titillating content here and there, when the helpful folks at the Parents Television Council are collecting all the...

Hawaii Podcasting?

Hawaii Podcasting?

The topic du jour at yesterday’s geek lunch was podcasting. If blogs brought publishing to the masses, rewriting the rules of journalism, podcasts are set to do the same thing to conventional radio. Where...



A guy named Scott Ozawa just dropped me a line, after poking around the fallow domain. Turns out he’s a blogger, and has a blog set up specifically to track down and list...

Deja Vu

Deja Vu

Let’s see. Guy writes online as a woman, gains a decent readership, but gets found out. He comes clean, recapping his social experiment (beautiful women get more attention than men —alert the media!), and starts...



Fresh out of the wonderful workshop deep in the bowels of Google comes its latest toy: Google Maps. Taking a direct swipe at longstanding services Mapquest and Yahoo! Maps, Google starts with your basic...



Baby name statistics are interesting, even when you’re done having babies. (Hear that, universe? We’re done!) But the NameVoyager adds a compelling twist to the usual ranked lists. A smooth, Java-powered graph can show...

Mom and Pop

Mom and Pop

A chance encounter with Beth on IM led me to dotMoms, a group weblog for mothers where she’s a member. Turns out it was one of the sites mentioned in a recent New York...



Better late than never. (Though earlier would’ve been better.) Darling Alex finally has a website, to match his sister and brother. You know how they say you take fewer pictures with each successive child?...



At the risk of turning this blog into FlixFilter, I have to mention this bit of synchronicity: At an eGullet lunch at Helena’s Hawaiian Food earlier this week, we were talking about Netflix. I...