Category: Miscellaneous

Mall of America

Mall of America

Forget “shopping centers.” Now it’s “lifestyle centers.” Private retail complexes designed to look like thriving, organic city spaces, but are in fact carefully engineered malls: There’s something a bit unhealthy about faux public places...

Hawaii Videoblogging?

Hawaii Videoblogging?

Since I had reasonable success finding other podcasters with my Hawaii Podcasting?” post in February, I figured I’d post some Google bait to see if anyone knows of any videobloggers (or vloggers or voggers)...

Katie Squared

Katie Squared

Even though it was almost six years ago, I still sometimes grin with pride when I remember that Katie was on the front page of the Star-Bulletin. She (and I) were captured at a...



Geeks have many obsessions… but building community sites? I think I need professional help. covers the triumvirate (trifecta?) of “masses media,” or media by the masses: text (blogging), audio (podcasting), and video (vlogging) —...



Jen had a tire blow out on the H-2 yesterday, coming home with Zac and Alex. Fortunately, a stranger soon stopped to help… even though Jen just happened to come to a stop right...

Dwindling Kids?

Dwindling Kids?

A recent article in the New York Times calls attention to an odd trend: the low number of young families in the nation’s more “vibrant,” fast-growing neighborhoods. San Francisco, where the median house price...

Fat Chance

Fat Chance

We have nearly fifty schools struggling to meet federal guidelines. Hawaii teachers may be on the verge of a mass exodus. Substitute teachers are at once relied upon yet stymied. One lawmaker’s bright idea?...

Stickr Shock

Stickr Shock

I’m still processing the news that Yahoo! bought Flickr, the photo sharing/social networking site I fell in love with at first sight last year. It was rumored, of course, but they were also saying...



Too many feeds! A most thoughtful blogger recently asked — perhaps just to be polite — where she might find my “blog feed” so she could catch my updates in a news aggregator. It occurred to...

Worst Case

Worst Case

U.S. Report Lists Possibilities for Terrorist Attacks and Likely Toll, reports the New York Times, which notes: “The document, known simply as the National Planning Scenarios, reads more like a doomsday plan, offering estimates...

Kid Clips

Kid Clips

For those tolerant of such things, I figured I’d mention that I’ve added three sound clips to Zac’s website (two from 2003 that I’d forgotten about), and two videos to Alex’s site (one of...

Chickens and Eggs

Chickens and Eggs

After this, I wanted to form the Hawaii Association of Podcasters (named in mock tribute to these guys). But in order to be a member, I’d have to, you know, podcast something. Welp. There...



I love Ask MetaFilter. As a “best of the web” community weblog, Metafilter can be hit-or-miss. But the “Ask MeFi” feature is turning out to be among the most reliably educational and entertaining corners...



Why subject yourself to hours of mindless drek on the tube, only catching a glimmer of titillating content here and there, when the helpful folks at the Parents Television Council are collecting all the...

Hawaii Podcasting?

Hawaii Podcasting?

The topic du jour at yesterday’s geek lunch was podcasting. If blogs brought publishing to the masses, rewriting the rules of journalism, podcasts are set to do the same thing to conventional radio. Where...



A guy named Scott Ozawa just dropped me a line, after poking around the fallow domain. Turns out he’s a blogger, and has a blog set up specifically to track down and list...

Deja Vu

Deja Vu

Let’s see. Guy writes online as a woman, gains a decent readership, but gets found out. He comes clean, recapping his social experiment (beautiful women get more attention than men —alert the media!), and starts...



Fresh out of the wonderful workshop deep in the bowels of Google comes its latest toy: Google Maps. Taking a direct swipe at longstanding services Mapquest and Yahoo! Maps, Google starts with your basic...



Baby name statistics are interesting, even when you’re done having babies. (Hear that, universe? We’re done!) But the NameVoyager adds a compelling twist to the usual ranked lists. A smooth, Java-powered graph can show...